Conference Program
08,30 – 09,30 registration of participants - Aula AR - (coffee, refreshments)
09,30 – 10,00 opening of the conference with the participation of representatives: IGS Slovakia, UNIZA; Guest speeches
10,00 – 10,30 Keynote lecture
10,30 – 11,00 break - refreshments - coffee
11,00 – 12,30 SECTION 1: Construction projects using geosynthetic materials
12,30 – 14,00 lunch break
14,00 – 15,00 SECTION 2: New geosynthetic products and materials, their properties and use in practice
15,00 – 15,30 break - refreshments - coffee
14,00 – 15,00 SECTION 3: Status of technical regulations and new standards being prepared for the field of geosynthetics.
18,00 end of the presentation part of the conference
19,00 social - discussion evening
08,30 – 09,30 SECTION 4: Experience from completed constructions using geosynthetics.
09,30 – 10,00 break - refreshments - coffee
10,00 – 11,00 SECTION 5: Qualitative requirements for work with geosynthetics, quality management of transport and environmental constructions.
11,00 – 11,30 break - refreshments - coffee
11,30 – 12,30 SECTION 6: Results of research and development in the field of geosynthetics, education of experts and students
12,30 – 14,00 lunch break and end of the conference
14,00 – 16,00 Private meeting of IGS Slovakia members